• Name of the company - LG

  • A contact person for the project - Donna

Project-Specific Information

  • Project description - Promo ad for release of the new LG 49'' Curved UltraGear Ultra widescreen Monitor

  • Objectives: Build hype and excitement, mostly to the gaming and content creator community.

  • Target audience: Gamers, Content creators (Video)

  • Call to action: Buy

  • Tone and style: What kind of vibe do you want this piece to have?: Casual, intelligent

  • Deadlines: When do you need the final draft done by?

  • Constraints: Are there any constraints such as word count
    or design? 100 words

  • Keywords: Do you know your keywords? Widescreen, Livestream, gamer, multi-tasking,

General Business Information

  • Company background & values: How did you get started? The merger of company names Lucky & Goldstar in ‘95, then settled into “LG Electronics”, producing Korea’s first radio.

  • Customer pain points: What are the audience trying to escape? But also what annoys them along the way? - Much greater gaming visibility.

  • Barriers to purchase: What influences their decision to buy? What might make them say no? Steep price: $1699

  • Value proposition: What do you do to solve those frustrations? What’s the real value you offer? Value, LG known for its reliability with their electronics.

  • Alternatives: What are the alternatives to your product or service? Dell, Samsung,

  • Your USP or POD: Why do customers choose you? What makes you so special? LG’s reliability

Project-Specific Information

For each page or business service, detail:

  • Objectives [if they differ from the project objectives].

  • The Features - super high resolution, 5120 x 1440, 32:9 ratio

LG Brief